As a huge lover of winter and the bitter cold, I was so excited that we got one last blizzard this season and I thought there was no better way to enjoy it than to walk around with my camera and take some photos. One of my favorite things about the canon 5D Mark III is how rugged and durable it is. It got covered in snow and I walked around in below freezing temperatures for over an hour and not once did it slow down or lag. It is so nice to know that I can bring it anywhere and not have to worry about it; whether it is walking in a snowstorm, stuffed in my backpack during a rugged hike, or covered in dirt while shooting a motocross race, it just keeps going strong. Aside from the beautiful snow falling, I was able to get some good photos of all the awesome graffiti all over Jersey City where I live, only made more photogenic by the falling snow. All in all it was a great day and while I am excited for spring and summer, I will certainly miss the winter!